A-Z of sclub 8 !!!!!!!!!!!
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Aaron renfree ( 3 fab facts )
He sleep walks. He hates studying physics and he cant remember how old his brothers and sisters are.


Bottom burps,sclub 8 just cant hold it in and they are all guilty of bottom burps but Calvin and Stacey get most of the blame


Calvin Goldspink, ( 3 fab facts )
He calls aberdeen home but hasnt got a scottish accent. And he gets more screams from fans than any others in the band


Daisy Evans (3 fab facts )
She plays the cello. she'd like to be a makeup artist and she can be recoginsed by her laught.


Essex, the four sclub 8 who came from essex get to go home most night but unlike Calvin, Hannah, Aaron Stacey they stay in a house in london most nights and i like one big sleepover


Frankie Sanford, ( 3 fab facts )
She is ten days older than Calvin and she takes care of the band when they are sick.
And she cried on monsters inc.


Golden Retrievers, These cute'n'fluffy bundles are calvins fave breed of dogs. His parents were gunna buy him one but as him now in the band he wont have time to look after it. :(


Hannah Richings ( 3 fab facts )
She is almost three years younger than Aaron and she is the baby of the band. Her fave actress is julia Roberts and she loves throwing sleepovers


Isabel, is Daisys fave teddy bear the teddy bear even has his own wardrobe full of teddy bear clothes.


Jay Asforis ( 3 fab facts )
He thinks being a boy is better than being a girl coz he can be ready in 5 minutes. His fave colour is BLUE and he was nearly born on hallowe'en!


Kissing, sclub 8 say they are like brothers and sisters and they kiss each other to bed every night but Aaron says he'd never kiss them because they wear to much stickt lipgloss .


Originally sclub 8 was only gunna have 6 members but when it was decided there was gunna be two more in the band Aaron and Hannah joined (yey)


sclub 8 had a brill time in the sunshine when they went to film the video for automatic high


sclub 8 are famous for playin pranks as well as the songs they sing.
They play pranks on their Chaperones, they mess about in restaurants and Jay even broke a bed by bouncing on it to much.


Olsen twins
Calvin has got a bit ogf a crush on Mary-kate and Ashley but he'll be in trouble if he ever meets them as he cant tell them apart!


Pink all the girls in the band are such girlie girlies and pink is the fave colour of Daisy Frankie and Hannah


Queen, for the Queens Golden Jubilee sclub 8 peformed at concert in birmingham and were then flown in by helicopter to Buckingham Palace.


Rochelle Wiseman ( 3 fab facts )
She is stubborn. She was a cheerleader on TV before becoming a member of sclub 8, and the other members tell her off for playing with their ears.


Stacey McClean. ( 3 fab facts )
She is good at drawing, She has a little bro called Liam and she loves eating ravioli and broccoli but not together dont worry.


Toothpaste, Aaron hates the taste of mint so much he uses children's tooth paste.


Uncool, Even popstars have thier uncool moments Jay somtimes calls rochelle "mum" by mistake and Frankie trips up in front of cute boys and Aaron had bird poo on his head!


Victoria Beckham, Frankies fave celeb is victoria Beckham. she loves her style and reckons she is the most famous person she has meet.


Westlife, sclub 8 are HUGE fans of westlife and Daisy has got a crush on nicky she thinks he is cute.


X-rays, Aaron had to have X-rays of his mouth when he had his braces fitted. Now they have been taken off, he's got lovely shiny stright teeth.


Yucky food, sclub 8 can bee fussy bunch when it comes to dinner time- Calvin hates sprouts, Daisy can't stomach beans, Jay hates melon, Rochelle can't stand the taste of ravioli and Hannah can't look at a plate with chick peas on iY


ZZZZZzzzzzzz give Daisy 10 minutes of peace and quite she will fall asleep anytime and anywhere! Calvin can sleep soildly for 12 hours, Frankie rarely has a lie-in coz she needs at least an hour to get ready.
Dance the sclub way ! featuring sclub 8
Out on DVD and VIDEO on the 28th April
Rochelle Frankie and Daisy